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We are available Monday-Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (except on holidays). 

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701 East 3rd Street, Suite 200
Los Angeles, CA 90013

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Local: 213-279-3000
Toll-Free: 844-88-LAFPP (52377)
TTY: 213-628-7713

Email: [email protected]

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Section Services Directory

Active Member Services

  • Annual Member Statements
  • Beneficiary Designations
  • Contribution Accounts
  • Dissolution of Marriage
  • Domestic Partnership Filings
  • Refund of Contributions
  • Request to Purchase Service

Communications & Education

  • Annual Report
  • Newsletters
  • Social Media
  • Website
  • Financial Planning
  • Education Seminars
  • Benefit Presentations

Disability Pensions

  • Disability Pension Inquiries, Process and Reviews
  • Review of Dependent Children/Parent Qualifications

DROP/Service Pensions

  • Service Pension
  • Deferred Pension Information
  • Deferred Retirement Option Plan (DROP)
  • DROP Entry/Exit Inquiries
  • DROP Beneficiary Designations

Medical & Dental Benefits

  • Health and Dental Insurance
  • Subsidies
  • Health Insurance Premium Reimbursement Program (HIPR)
  • Medicare Part B Reimbursement
  • Year-to-Date Insurance Deduction Totals

Retirement Services

  • Retired Member Records and Information
  • Post-Retirement Marriage Dissolution
  • Retired Member or Qualified Survivor Deaths
  • Survivor Benefit Purchases
  • Survivor Pensions

The following contacts are not part of LAFPP but are provided for the convenience of our members: 

Retirement Counselors – Airport Department

Retirement Counselors – Fire Department

Retirement Counselors – Harbor Department

Retirement Counselors – Police Department

Division / Employee Directory


As the General Manager of LAFPP, I am the executive ultimately responsible to the Board of Fire and Police Pension Commissioners for the entire operations of the System. I provide executive leadership for the System in implementing the programs necessary to achieve our mission, goals, and objectives.

My major responsibilities are to ensure all of our Plan members and their beneficiaries receive prompt and courteous service, that pension assets are prudently invested, and that we efficiently administer the System. To accomplish these objectives, we have a staff of over 120 employees, in addition to professional consultants and advisors dealing with asset management, performance measurement, financial audit, systems design, and pre-retirement educational seminars. Furthermore, we are assisted by the Public Pensions General Counsel Division of the Office of the Los Angeles City Attorney.

Please contact me if you have any questions, comments, or need assistance.

Administrative Operations Division

Myo Thedar (Sasaki) has served as Assistant General Manager since March 2023 and was appointed as Executive Officer in March 2024, overseeing the Administrative Operations Division, consisting of the Administrative Services, Human Resources, Accounting, and Systems Sections, as well as support functions for the Board of Fire and Police Pension Commissioners (Board).

Myo joined LAFPP in 2006, and since then, she has managed several sections in both the Pensions and Administrative Operations Divisions, including Retirement Services/Retired Member Services and Medical and Dental Benefits. She became a Chief Benefits Analyst in 2017, and as a member of the Executive Team, she has oversight of the triennial strategic planning process and pension administration benchmarking.

Through support functions, and as a fiduciary to the System, she is committed to providing the highest quality service to internal staff and to over 26,000 active and retired LAFPP members, and achieving the long-term policies and strategic objectives established by the Board.

Wilson Poon is the Chief Management Analyst in the Administrative Operations Division. Wilson plans, directs, and manages the daily support operations of the Division’s Administrative Services and Human Resources Section, responsible for budgeting, purchasing, personnel administration, contract administration, facilities management, and emergency planning. Wilson also plans, coordinates, and implements Administrative Operations Division’s business plan projects consistent with LAFPP’s strategic goals and initiatives.

As Departmental Chief Accountant, I am responsible for the fair presentation of the financial statements of plan net assets and changes in plan net assets in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles, as outlined by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB). The Accounting Section ensures the timely and accurate processing of the monthly pension roll and the annual tax statements (1099R) of retirees. We implement the Workers’ Compensation recapture program for retirees who have been granted a worker’s compensation award in addition to a disability pension. We are also responsible for processing department payroll, receipts and disbursements, and maintenance of the plan general ledger.

I oversee the Administrative Services Section which provides operational support to the department. This includes preparation of the department’s annual budget, contracting guidance, electronic content management, front counter member service, purchasing, and emergency planning.  Through these support functions, our section is committed to providing the highest quality service to our department and members.


Internal Audit

Investments Division

Pensions Division

I am the Assistant General Manager responsible for the Pensions Division. The Pensions Division processes all applications for retirement benefits including service, disability, and survivorship. The Division also administers the DROP program, health and dental subsidies, maintains retiree personal and pension roll data, and processes the monthly issuance of all pension benefits.  In addition, the Pensions Division maintains the website and is responsible for all member/stakeholder outreach and education.

Providing our members with outstanding service is our number one goal.  Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions, comments or concerns.

I am the Chief Benefits Analyst in Pensions Division overseeing the Active Member Services, DROP/Service Pensions, and Medical and Dental Benefits sections.  These groups provide pension-related service and guidance to our members during the whole of their sworn City career as well as administer health and dental subsidies for our retired members and their survivors.

Our goal is to provide our members and their beneficiaries with excellent customer service.  Please feel free to contact me should you have any questions, comments, or concerns.

I am the manager of DROP/Service Pensions Section. This section administers the DROP Program and processes member requests to enter and exit the program. The section processes service pension applications for members who decide to retire and not enter the DROP Program. Additionally, we process deferred retirement for members who met the required years of service but not the age requirement. We also process community property divisions as part of the pension roll.

The Communications and Education section oversees most of the communications materials that are developed and distributed by the Department, including the Annual Report, newsletters and handbooks. The section also conducts the Financial Planning Education seminars/webinars, benefit information webinars, and benefit presentations at Fire and Police locations.  We are also responsible for the updates to the Department website, MyLAFPP and social media.

I supervise the Retirement Services Section which processes surviving spouse’s and minor’s pension applications. The Section is also responsible for terminating payment of benefits upon the death of a pensioner and for processing final payments due estates. As part of the pension process, the section administers community property divisions, child and spousal support assignments and federal and state tax levies. The section maintains current addresses for retired members, processes requests for pension verifications and conducts audits of benefits paid to the members.