Publications & Guides
Download PDF versions of LAFPP manuals and brochures.

Disability Pension Guide
If you believe you are incapable of performing your duties as a sworn employee of the Fire, Police, Harbor or Airport Department, you may be eligible for disability pension benefits.

Dissolution of Marriage Guide
This guide provides an overview of how your pension benefits can be affected by a dissolution of marriage and what actions you need to take as the LAFPP Plan member.

DROP Handbook
The intent of this booklet is to provide you with information on the Deferred Retirement Option Plan (“DROP”) program.

Survivor Benefits Handbook
This handbook is intended to assist survivors at a most difficult time. It describes the benefits available and the steps survivors should take in order to claim them.

Medicare Handbook
This handbook is a reference guide covering Medicare and health insurance subsidies offered by Los Angeles Fire and Police Pensions.

Tier 6 FAQ Brochure
This pamphlet provides in informal language some Tier 6 key provisions. Refer to the Tier 6 Summary Plan Description for more details.